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《bye bye baby》taylor swift mp3歌曲下载


分享时间:2024-04-14 21:03:29

该歌曲由 网友[╬═逝去的温柔☆ ]提供分享
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音乐标签: 经典老歌,怀旧,流行

bye bye baby歌词:

作词 : Taylor Swift/Liz Rose
作曲 : Taylor Swift/Liz Rose
It wasn't just like a movie 并非如电影中演出的片段
The rain didn't soak through my clothes down to my skin 雨滴并未浸湿我的衣服
I'm driving away and I I guess you could say 我正驱车离开 我猜你肯定会大胆地说
This is the last time I'll drive this way again 这是我最后一次驱车逃离
Lost in the gray and I try to grab at the fray 没有什么其他的可说 我想要停止争吵
Cause I I still love you but I can't 我仍深爱着你 可我无法继续下去
Bye bye to everything I thought was on my side 向曾以为与我同一立场的所有事物挥别
Bye bye baby 再见了 我亲爱的
I want you back but it's coming down to nothing 我试图让你回心转意 终归是落空
And all I have is your sympathy 我所怀揣着的不过是残留的一份同情
Cause you took me home but you just couldn't keep me 你将我带回家 可你无法让我为你停驻
Bye bye baby 再见了 亲爱的
Bye bye baby 再见了 亲爱的
The picture frame is empty 梳妆台上的相框里早已没有了合影
On the dresser vacant just like me 就如内心空无一物的我一样
I see you riding on the dash 我看见了你踱步思索
And back to your hesitation 迟疑踌躇的样子
I was so sure of everything 我曾对一切都如此确信
Everything I thought we'd always have 我曾以为会长久拥有的一切
Yes I'm never doubt in it 我未曾怀疑
But here in the now floods in 但现在 不幸降临
Feels like I'm becoming a part of your past 我已渐渐成为了你的过去
Bye bye to everything I thought was on my side 向曾以为与我同一立场的所有事物挥别
Bye bye baby 再见了 亲爱的
I want you back but it's coming down to nothing 我试图让你回心转意 终归是落空
And all I have is your sympathy 我所怀揣着的不过是残留的一份同情
Cause you took me home but you just couldn't keep me 你将我带回家 可你无法让我为你停驻
Bye bye baby 再见了 亲爱的
And there's so much that I can't touch 还有如此多的触不可及
You're all I want but it's not enough this time 你是我想拥有的全部 可这一次次我却不能将你占据
And all the pages are just slipping through my hands 往昔所有的扉页于我手心流逝
And I'm so scared of how this ends 我畏惧不堪 不知这份感情的结局
Bye bye to everything I thought was on my side 向曾以为与我同一立场的所有事物挥别
Bye bye baby 再见了 亲爱的
I want you back but it's coming down to nothing 我试图让你回心转意 终归是落空
And all I have is your sympathy 我所怀揣着的不过是残留的一份同情
Cause you took me home but you just couldn't keep me 你将我带回家 可你无法让我为你停驻
Bye bye to everything I thought was on my side 向曾以为与我同一立场的所有事物挥别
Bye bye baby 再见了 亲爱的
I want you back but it's coming down to nothing 我试图让你回心转意 终归是落空
And all I have is your sympathy 我所怀揣着的不过是残留的一份同情
Cause you took me home but you just couldn't keep me 因为你将我带回家 可你无法让我为你停驻
You took me home I thought you were gonna keep me 你将我带回家 可你无法让我为你停驻
Bye bye baby 再见了 亲爱的
Bye bye baby 再见了 亲爱的