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《i can fix him》taylor swift mp3歌曲下载


分享时间:2024-04-23 07:13:17

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音乐标签: 流行

i can fix him歌词:

作词 : Taylor Swift/Jack Antonoff
作曲 : Taylor Swift/Jack Antonoff
The smoke cloud billows out his mouth 吞云吐雾的他 口中浓烟滚滚而出
Like a freight train through a small town 好似那穿过小镇的货运列车
The jokes that he told across the bar 他身子探过吧台 讲的那些笑话
Were revolting and far too loud 粗鄙不堪 声音又高得刺耳
They shake their heads, saying, "God help her" when I 人们纷纷摇头叹息 说道 “上帝保佑她”
Tell 'em he's my man 当他们得知 他是我的爱人
But your good Lord doesn't need to lift a finger 而无需你的上帝伸出援手
I can fix him, no really I can 我能叫他改头换面 真的 我能做到
And only I can 也只有我能改变他
The dopamine races through his brain 多巴胺在他大脑里风驰电掣
On a six-lane Texas highway 犹如在德州六车道高速公路上狂飙的赛车
His hand, so calloused from his pistol 他握枪的手 满是老茧
Softly traces hearts on my face 却轻抚着我的脸颊 勾勒出心形图案
And I could see it from a mile away 相隔一英里 我也一眼看出他沦陷了
A perfect case for my certain skillset 恰恰是我施展自家本领的完美对象
He had a halo of the highest grade 他头顶极品光环
He just hadn't met me yet 只是还没遇见我罢了
They shake their heads, saying, "God help her" when I 人们纷纷摇头叹息 说道 “上帝保佑她”
Tell 'em he's my man 当他们得知 他是我的爱人
But your good Lord doesn't need to lift a finger 而无需你的上帝伸出援手
I can fix him, no really I can 我能叫他改头换面 真的 我能做到
And only I can 也只有我能改变他
Good boy, that's right 乖孩子 就是这样
Come close, I'll show you heaven 靠近些 我带你领略天堂
If you'll be an angel all night 前提是你整晚都得化身天使
Trust me, I can handle me a dangerous man 相信我 危险的男人我驾驭得了
No really I can 我真的能应付来
They shook their heads, saying, "God help her" when I 人们纷纷摇头叹息 说道 “上帝保佑她”
Told 'em he's my man 当他们得知 他是我的爱人 (我告诉他们 他是我的爱人)
But your good Lord didn't need to lift a finger 而无需你的上帝伸出援手
I can fix him, no really I can 我能叫他改头换面 真的 我能做到 (真的 我能做到)
Whoa, maybe I can't Whoa 或许我高估了自己