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《sacred play secret place》matryoshka mp3歌曲下载


分享时间:2024-04-21 09:32:28

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音乐标签: 经典老歌,流行

sacred play secret place歌词:

作词 : SEN
作曲 : SEN
制作人 : SEN
Gracefully sneaking up on me 他们偷偷地靠近
They just want to tear my feathers 想撕去我的羽翼
The golden light of the setting sun 夕阳金色余晖下
Let me be a hypocrite again 我又成了伪善者
I will be gone before long 不多久我将离开
I know I'm wrong 我知道此错已铸
No matter how far I go, they find me out 但无论怎样奔逃,终究是穷途末路
I wish the gusts took away my gloom 但愿狂风能卷走我的抑郁
I can't help this vague feeling 这样的茫然无措不堪忍受
I feel so good, but I'm worn out 此刻我如此坦然,但却已精疲力竭
We'll be all right, don't look so sad 一切终将会变好,不必像这样神伤
Confess my sin, conceal them all 忏悔我犯的罪孽,但愿能得到赎过
Night will come soon and swallow everything 夜幕就快要降临,来吞噬这一切吧
Quietly hiding in the grass 静匿于草丛之下
Hearing the leaves rustling 听树叶窸窣作响
They're singing with a burning piano 他们在用燃烧的钢琴伴唱
It gives me cheap relief 我感到一丝解脱
I will be gone before long 不多久我将离开
I know I'm wrong 我知道此错已铸
No matter how far I go, they find me out 但无论怎样奔逃,终究是穷途末路
I wish the gusts took away my gloom 但愿狂风能卷走我的抑郁
I can't help this vague feeling 这样的茫然无措不堪忍受
I feel so good, but I'm worn out 此刻我如此坦然,但却已精疲力竭
We'll be all right, don't look so sad 一切终将会变好,不必像这样神伤
Confess my sin, conceal them all 忏悔我犯的罪孽,但愿能得到赎过
Night will come soon and swallow everything 夜幕就快要降临,来吞噬这一切吧
I feel so good, but I'm worn out 此刻我如此坦然,但却已精疲力竭
We'll be all right, don't look so sad 一切终将会变好,不必像这样神伤
Confess my sin, conceal them all 忏悔我犯的罪孽,但愿能得到赎过
Night will come soon and swallow everything 夜幕就快要降临,来吞噬这一切吧
I feel so good 我感觉如此美好
We'll be all right 我们都会好起来的
Then, I give all up 最终 我会放弃所有