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首页   《使一颗心免于哀伤》歌曲下载

《使一颗心免于哀伤》知更鸟 mp3歌曲下载


分享时间:2024-02-16 16:35:12

该歌曲由 网友[奶油味的风]提供分享
歌曲版权归原作者所有, 请大家支持正版

音乐标签: 网红热门,hires


Birds are born with no shackles,
Then what fetters my fate,
Blown away the white petals,
Leave me trapped in the cage,
The endless isolation,
Can't wear down my illusion,
Someday I'll make a dream unchained,
Let my heart bravely spread the wings,
Soaring past the night,
To trace the bright moonlight,
Let the clouds heal me of the stings,
Gently wipe the sorrow of my life,
I dream,
What is meant by miracle,
A word outside my days,
Once again repeat bubbles,
But how could I escape,
No further hesitation on those unanswered questions,
So now I'll make a dream unchained,
Let my heart bravely spread the wings,
Soaring past the night,
To trace the bright moonlight,
Let the clouds heal me of the stings,
Gently wipe the sorrow of my life,
I dream,
Let my heart bravely spread the wings,
Soaring past the night,
To trace the bright moonlight,
Let the clouds heal me of the stings,
Gently wipe the sorrow of my life,
I dream,
I dream.